Smartphone Updates
It is important to keep your smartphone updated. The number of security issues keeps growing on these devices and the updates will help you stay ahead of issues. Please see the sites below for how to update your phone.
Android phone – Android – How to Update
Apple iOS phone – Apple – How to Update iOS
PSU Wireless
Is your cell phone on the PSU WiFi (look for the fan)? The connectivity is needed for the Microsoft Authenticator app and Teams will be more reliable on campus if you use the PSU WiFi. While on campus, go to on your phone and follow the instructions to connect to the PSU wireless. Those with a PSU account should use the PSU wireless and not the guest wireless. This will results in better performance and connectivity.
WiFi Calling
Are you struggling to make or receive calls on your smartphone while on campus? Most phones and carriers support WiFi calling. Please see what your carrier supports.